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Transform surplus stock and scrap into a profitable opportunity

The scrap produced by manufacturing plants holds value and may have a secondary demand, but the process of liquidating it can be tedious. At Effigo, we aim to streamline the inventory and scrap liquidation process and aid organizations in obtaining the best possible price for their unused assets.

eDisposal overview

Why Liquidating Obsolete Inventory is a Wise Choice

The presence of obsolete inventory within a company’s stock can negatively affect its financial well-being. This is due to the fact that the business has already made an investment in these goods, both financially and in terms of time for manufacturers. However, the company cannot recover these expenses once the inventory becomes unsaleable. Furthermore, the longer the obsolete inventory is stored, the more expensive it becomes.

Implement new ways to capitalize on obsolete inventory and choose the right partner to maximize an organization’s value when liquidating surplus assets.

Our Approach to eDisposal Services

EffiGo specializes

EffiGO specializes in inventory and scrap liquidation managed services, helping businesses optimize their supply chain and maximize their returns.

Track Record

We have a proven track record of providing efficient and cost-effective liquidation solutions for a wide range of industries.

edisposal chart

INR 25,000+ Cr

Total Value of Disposal

21,000 + Suppliers

Total Buyers Registered with Us

650+ Cr

Highest Value of Disposal in Single Event

per event

Average Value of Premium Received


Events (FAs)

Our Approach to eDisposal Services

EffiGo specializes

EffiGO specializes in inventory and scrap liquidation managed services, helping businesses optimize their supply chain and maximize their returns.

Track Record

We have a proven track record of providing efficient and cost-effective liquidation solutions for a wide range of industries.

edisposal chart

INR 25,000+ Cr

Total Value of Disposal

21,000 + Suppliers

Total Buyers Registered with Us

650+ Cr

Highest Value of Disposal in Single Event

per event

Average Value of Premium Received


Events (FAs)

Adopt a Smarter Approach to Liquidate Surplus Inventory

Business Partner

Wide Liquidation Network

With over a network of 10,000 liquidation partners, EffiGO can help you identify the right partners based on your plant location, scrap category, and scrap value.


Efficient Liquidation Management

We take the hassle out of the liquidation process by managing it from start to finish. Our experts handle everything, from negotiating the best price to overseeing the lifting of the scrap material.


Best Price for Unused Assets

In addition to scrap liquidation, EffiGO’s inventory liquidation services, powered by the forward auction solution, enable the market to determine the best price for unsold inventory. The process is simple and straightforward, and you only pay a small percentage of the liquidation amount, proportional to the benefits you generate.


Compliance & Transparency

We also guarantee transparency, and internal compliance, making the process easy and worry-free.

Unlock the Hidden Value of Your Unused Assets

Maximizing the value

Maximizing the Value of Your Unused Assets

EffiGO offers you the assurance of receiving the best price for your scrap and unused inventory. Our approach is market-driven, and we prioritize fairness between buyers and sellers, ensuring that you receive the maximum value for your assets.

Procurement Transformation

Freeing Up Space and Resources

Liquidating your scrap and inventory can free up valuable space and resources in your organization.

cost reducing system

Reducing Costs

By liquidating your assets, you can reduce costs associated with storing, maintaining, and disposing of them. This can have a significant impact on your bottom line.

Improving environmental

Improving Environmental Sustainability

Liquidating scrap and inventory can help reduce waste and support environmental sustainability. By repurposing your assets, you can reduce your organization’s environmental impact.

Enhancing Compliance

Enhancing Compliance

EffiGO’s focus on internal compliance ensures that your organization complies with all relevant regulations. This can help you avoid costly fines and penalties.

Let’s Turn Your Surplus Inventory Into a Competitive Advantage